
Diane shares insights and reflections on all aspects of mental healthcare, with the aim to educate, support, and inspire bold thinking and new ways of understanding. We hope you will enjoy this blog on mental healthcare and change.

breaking the silence on mental health at work, mental health officer, mental health officer canada, denis trottier, wickedmind podcast

Breaking the Silence on Mental Health at Work – Denis Trottier

Denis Trottier, Chief Mental Health Officer for KPMG Canada, suffered with depression and worried that, as a previous partner, he would be treated differently. Here’s what can happen when mental health is discussed by those in senior-level roles. Ideas for all workplaces on improved culture around mental health.

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workplace mental health, peer support in corporations, occupational stress disorder

Workplace Mental Health: How Experience Fuels Change

Some experiences are so profound they leave a lasting mark, shaping who we are and who we become. Our workplaces are the beneficiary of Stéphane’s experience in Rwanda and what happened after. His ideas on transforming workplace mental healthcare. Which of the 3 buckets of workplace mental health programs does your organization belong in?

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