
Diane shares insights and reflections on all aspects of mental healthcare, with the aim to educate, support, and inspire bold thinking and new ways of understanding. We hope you will enjoy this blog on mental healthcare and change.

thriving with adult adhd, adhd podcasts, dr diane mcintosh psychedup

Thriving with ADHD: Robert’s Journey

ADHD – or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – can throw you a curveball. With the right medication and support, people with ADHD can thrive. Summary of “This is Adult ADHD”, Episode 3 of the PSYCHEDUP Podcast.

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this is ocd, blogs on ocd, ocd podcast, dr diane mcintosh, psychedup, living with OCD

Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

What’s it like to live with OCD? Dr. McIntosh talks to Nadia, a mother of two, about how she’s coping with the challenging and sometimes alarming symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Summary of “This is OCD”, Episode 2 of the PSYCHEDUP Podcast.

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ADHD facts, do I have adhd, adhd symptoms, adhd misdiagnoses

ADHD is Real. Know the Facts!

Stigma and misconceptions about ADHD have been particularly persistent. Misinformation and disinformation can perpetuate stigma and add to the suffering and health burdens of affected individuals and their families. I encourage you to read and share the information I share here.

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