More Than a Little Lonely: The Serious Health Impacts of Loneliness

health impacts loneliness, dr diane mcintosh on loneliness

Over my years of psychiatric practice, I’ve learned from every patient I’ve worked with, and those lessons have
ultimately informed my own life choices. One critical lesson has been about the power of social
support: having a strong network of caring people, whether family, friends, or co-workers,
builds and protects our mental health. My thoughts on improving social connections to improve mental health.

Breaking the Silence on Mental Health at Work – Denis Trottier

breaking the silence on mental health at work, mental health officer, mental health officer canada, denis trottier, wickedmind podcast

Denis Trottier, Chief Mental Health Officer for KPMG Canada, suffered with depression and worried that, as a previous partner, he would be treated differently. Here’s what can happen when mental health is discussed by those in senior-level roles. Ideas for all workplaces on improved culture around mental health.

Innovation in Healthcare: Painting a Picture of the Possible

innovation in healthcare, sue paish healthcare, tech and healthcare canada

Sue Paish, CEO changemaker in several health-related companies. Separate mental health and substance abuse. Improve access to coaching during pain management (vs. opioid-first-always). Change collective mindset among leaders. How to get things done.

Tackling the Healthcare Crisis: Stabilize to Scale

stabilizing healthcare crisis, podcasts on mental health, dr. alika fontaine on healthcare

“I think one of the challenges that mental health has always had is that it was pushed out of view. We always knew there was a crisis in mental health.” Dr. Alika Fontaine shares his ideas to stabilize the system and move things forward.

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